Becoming A Coach

If you enjoy your archery and would like to get into coaching, Chichester Bowmen have put together a support program that will assist members financially to achieve their goal of becoming a coach.

As a club we recognise that individuals who wish to become, or even maintain the role, of Archery GB Coach, are expected to attend courses, seminars and pass assessments therefore any expenses that are incurred as a result of carrying out this role will be reimbursed by the club for as long as they continue to attract, develop and support its members.

This scheme is designed to be self-financing using the fees gained from coaches running beginner courses and Have-a-go sessions.

For further information and details on this scheme please download the attached document or feel free to talk to one of our coaches.

Coaches Financial Support

If you would like to apply for support; in the first instance; please email the committee with your request : –