Once you start shooting recognised rounds either at the club or at a competition they should be submitted to the records officer, who will be able to calculate the handicap score for that round.
After you have submitted 3 scores he will also be able calculate your personal handicap, this will be an average of the three rounds submitted. This score is used within the club to allow newer member to compete against more experienced archers, compounds to take on longbows and for the archers themselves, a guide as to how they are improving.
With so many different rounds, shot at different distances and on a variety of target faces, it is sometime difficult for the novice archer to gauge how well they are doing. The handicap system takes all these variables into consideration.
Example (Gents Recurve Warwick Rounds 4Doz Arrows scoring 350)
Round | Distance | Handicap |
Junior Short Warwick | 30 Yards / 20 Yards | 65 |
Junior Warwick | 40 Yards / 30 Yards | 55 |
Short Warwick | 50 Yards / 40 Yards | 48 |
Warwick | 60 Yards / 50 Yards | 42 |
As can be seen from the table above if you scored 350 points for each round your handicap would improve the further the distance, similarly to shoot a 65 handicap on a longer distance say a Warwick, you would only need to score 150 points some 200 points less than on a Junior Short Warwick as the distance and the ability of the archer has been factored in.
As you submit more scores and assuming that your improving your handicap will reduce by half the difference each time for example if you start out with a handicap of 65 and submit a score that is the equivalent of 61 your new handicap will become 63 (half the difference) and so on….
If you would like to work out your handicap for a scored round or the classification that relates to please see the classifications menu to the left. If you would like to know more about handicaps and how they are calculated please speak to our records officer David Lilly or drop him an email.