Progress Award Scheme
To help all new archers on their journey to a third class classification, Chichester Bowmen operates a progress award scheme. The origional concept launched in 2011 was simple, starting at 10y achieve 252 from 36 arrows shot on a large face (120cm) with imperial scoring (9,7,5,3,1) to receive the first white award. Once achieved move on to the next distance and reach the required score to get the next badge.
Having run this now for a couple of years the variety of bows been shot by our beginners has increased and the progress scheme was in need of a refresh and whilst we still make no allowance for age and gender those shooting barebow will no longer have to achieve the same score as someone shooting a compound.
In addition as achers reach 30yards recognised rounds have also been added ensuring that new members can take part in orginised rounds and get use to scoring across multiple distances.
To Download a table of the rounds and keep a track of your own scores Click Here
You must make sure that your score is recorded properly on the score sheets provided, signed and countersigned for it to count towards the award.(Awards should also be shot in order as we don’t want you shooting too far before your ready). Completed score sheets should be left in the tray marked Progress Awards, next to the signing in register.
Should you have any questions on the progression awards please talk to one of our Development Officers or for those who would like some additional coaching or just a little help please talk to one of our coaches.