Outdoor – Oaklands Park
April – September
Club Days: – Tuesday (18:00 – 20:00) Thursday (18:00 – 20:00) Sunday (9:30 – 13:00)
Our outdoor range is located in Oaklands Park, next to the Chichester Festival Theatre; parking is available in the theatres pay and display car park but please remember to pay for your ticket.
Once in the car park head towards the theatre, as you go through the entrance gates turn right across the grass towards the tennis courts. Keeping the courts and the football pitch to your right you will come across a fenced area with the Chichester bowmen club house on the far side.
Indoor In the Clubhouse at Oaklands Park
Shooting in the clubhouse is available for up to 4 archers shooting at 15
meters maximum. Space is limited and should be reserved via the Clubs WhatApp Group.
Ideal for initial bow tuning or shooting our own Chichester Round.