Tue11Sep20184:00 pmTelscombe Civic Centre, BN10 7ES
To see full details of this event click the link below.
Fri01Feb2019Sun03Feb2019Mid Sussex
For full details and application form, click the appropriate link below.
Sat23Mar20192:00 pmOaklands Park
The session lasts 2 hours and costs £20 per person, you will receive full basic instruction and lots of chances to shoot a bow.
Click here to enrole.
Sat27Apr201910:00 amOaklands Park
The Chichester Bowmen “Introduction to Target Archery” offers a wider insight into the sport of Target archery. The course is run over two sessions, concluding with a mini tournament against your fellow archers.
Click here for full details and joining instructions. -
Sun28Apr20198:30 am New Ash Green Village Hall
The Invicta Coaching Group are pleased to offer you the chance to attend a day of coaching seminars.
Richard Cheetham MBE - Spotting Talent
Andrew Knight D.O - Osteopath
Dr Katie Dray - Sports Psychologist
Andrew Rees County Coach - Barebow
Trish Lovell Senior Coach - Coaching with Kim Hyung Tak
Ross Austen - Drugs in sportFor further information and tickets email
chairman@gravesend-archers.co.ukClick here to view more details.
Sat22Jun20192:00 pmOaklands Park
Archery Experience sessions are a chance for you to come and try the sport of archery and find out if it is for you. The sessions lasts 2 hours and costs £20 per person, you will receive full basic instruction and lots of chances to shoot a bow.
For further details and joining instructions click here
Sat13Jul20191:00 pmOaklands Park
The Chichester Bowmen “Introduction to Target Archery” offers a wider insight into the sport of Target archery. The course is run over four sessions over 2 weeks, concluding with a mini tournament against your fellow archers.
Click here for full details and joining instructions. -
Sat14Sep20191:00 pmOaklands Park
The Chichester Bowmen “Introduction to Target Archery” offers a wider insight into the sport of Target archery. The course is run over four sessions over 2 weeks, concluding with a mini tournament against your fellow archers.
Click here for full details and joining instructions. -
Sat03Dec202210:00 amOaklands Park
Development sessions are held on the 1st Saturday of each month and are for all members, irrespective of ability, to come and hone their technique with one of our qualified coaches.
No need to book- just turn up.
Sat07Jan202310:00 amOaklands Park
Development sessions are held on the 1st Saturday of each month and are for all members, irrespective of ability, to come and hone their technique with one of our qualified coaches.
No need to book- just turn up.
Sat04Feb202310:00 amOaklands Park
Development sessions are held on the 1st Saturday of each month and are for all members, irrespective of ability, to come and hone their technique with one of our qualified coaches.
No need to book- just turn up.
Two of the six workshop sessions have now taken place, but there are still four coming up, that's two on 11th February and the final two on 11th March. But they are filling up, with no more than six places left in any session, so don't leave it too long to reserve your place.
The sessions are Archer-Led, so the Coaches are ready to try to help you with whatever it is you'd like to work on.
The first pair of Coaching Workshop days was held on Saturday 14th January, and seems to have gone well, with several who took part in January deciding to book in for further sessions. There were 35 Archers and 11 coaches, who dealt with a wide range of issues, from straightforward analysis and advice on overall shooting technique to quite specific points such as Bow hand position, body alignment, position of drawing fingers on the string, stabilisation and how to choose, basic arrow tuning, how to use a clicker, first bow selection, release aids – thumb or finger, cam timing, sight adjustment and alignment, bow tiller, arrow rest adjustment, compound centre shot, how to straighten a wooden arrow, plunger button, bare shaft tuning, you name it.
So if you feel that some assistance with your shooting would be good, either in terms of general technique or to get on top of something that you can't quite work out, these Workshops could be where to get it.
Use this link to get the Booking Form...
Sat22Apr202312:30 pmOaklands Park
Each session will run from 12.30 until approx 15.30
Sun23Apr202312:00 pmOaklands Park
Each session will run from 12.30 until approx 15.30

No events

Event Information:
Sun04Feb20249:30 amOaklands Park
Meet at 9.30 prompt come rain or shine - or frost!
3 Dozen Arrows at 30m
Junior Distances
Light Refreshments
Colour PrizesIf you're interested in taking part please contact Adam Cole