Fri01Feb2019Sun03Feb2019Mid Sussex
For full details and application form, click the appropriate link below.
Sat23Mar20192:00 pmOaklands Park
The session lasts 2 hours and costs £20 per person, you will receive full basic instruction and lots of chances to shoot a bow.
Click here to enrole.
Sat27Apr201910:00 amOaklands Park
The Chichester Bowmen “Introduction to Target Archery” offers a wider insight into the sport of Target archery. The course is run over two sessions, concluding with a mini tournament against your fellow archers.
Click here for full details and joining instructions. -
Sun28Apr20198:30 am New Ash Green Village Hall
The Invicta Coaching Group are pleased to offer you the chance to attend a day of coaching seminars.
Richard Cheetham MBE - Spotting Talent
Andrew Knight D.O - Osteopath
Dr Katie Dray - Sports Psychologist
Andrew Rees County Coach - Barebow
Trish Lovell Senior Coach - Coaching with Kim Hyung Tak
Ross Austen - Drugs in sportFor further information and tickets email
chairman@gravesend-archers.co.ukClick here to view more details.
Sat22Jun20192:00 pmOaklands Park
Archery Experience sessions are a chance for you to come and try the sport of archery and find out if it is for you. The sessions lasts 2 hours and costs £20 per person, you will receive full basic instruction and lots of chances to shoot a bow.
For further details and joining instructions click here
Sat13Jul20191:00 pmOaklands Park
The Chichester Bowmen “Introduction to Target Archery” offers a wider insight into the sport of Target archery. The course is run over four sessions over 2 weeks, concluding with a mini tournament against your fellow archers.
Click here for full details and joining instructions. -
Sat14Sep20191:00 pmOaklands Park
The Chichester Bowmen “Introduction to Target Archery” offers a wider insight into the sport of Target archery. The course is run over four sessions over 2 weeks, concluding with a mini tournament against your fellow archers.
Click here for full details and joining instructions.

No events

Event Information:
Sun04Feb20249:30 amOaklands Park
Meet at 9.30 prompt come rain or shine - or frost!
3 Dozen Arrows at 30m
Junior Distances
Light Refreshments
Colour PrizesIf you're interested in taking part please contact Adam Cole